Fünf Partner halten die begehrte Plakette "Partner des Biosphärenreservates" in Händen. © F. Nessler

The Partner-Network

The prestigious partner logo refers to suppliers, service providers and producers from a total of eleven sectors who have joined forces since 2011 to form a network under the motto 'Economise in harmony with nature'.

The 'Partners of the Biosphere Reserve' project is characterised by close cooperation between protected area administrations, municipalities and interest groups with committed companies and associations in the region. Together with the Biosphere Reserve administrations as the responsible bodies, they are committed to the sustainable development of the region. In order to be able to certify businesses from the following sectors: ► Educational institutions ► Services ► Fishing ► Gastronomy ► Trade ► Handicrafts ► Agriculture/direct marketing ► Food processing ► Tourism ► Overnight stays ►Certified nature and landscape guides as 'Partners of the Biosphere Reserve', the administrations of the transnational UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Elbe River Landscape have developed quality criteria and control systems typical for the sector. An independent award council decides on acceptance as a partner. To ensure that visitors and customers can expect the same high quality as in the approximately 30 other nationwide partner initiatives to date, the basic criteria and minimum standards for becoming a partner of Nationale Naturlandschaften e. V. apply.

The certified partners are ambassadors for the Elbe region and are committed to the protection and conservation of the Elbe river landscape. Due to regular training, they are competent contact persons in their home region.